We're entering into our second week of swimming this week - everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves, and have been coming back full of enthusiasm for what they're learning. Make sure you remember your thongs/sandals/Crocs each day this week!
Word Mania is the - well, mania (!) sweeping the class at the moment. Literacy Planet is hosting this word building competition for schools across Australia and we have been doing brilliantly well with our participation both as a class and as a school. After looking at what kind of language entertains an audience, we have been doing some filming in the Media Studio about why Word Mania is so much fun as well - this will continue over the next few weeks.
Camp is fast approaching! Behavioural agreements, medical details, and dietary requirement forms were due back on Friday so if you have not handed them in, please get them to school as quickly as possible. The next installment of payment is not due until Friday but we need to get the attending students' details to the camp as early as we can to make sure they have plenty of notice about special meals or other requirements they need to be aware of. Homework is also due on Monday.
It was wonderful to see so many families at three-way conferences last Tuesday and Thursday evenings, despite the cold and rainy weather! Thank you for making time to come in and celebrate your child's successes.
Your child may have told you about our 'Squirt The Dog' game that we played and completed an extension task on this week to wrap up our work on angles. I thought I'd leave a link to it here, and if you are interested, maybe you can have a play, too.
See you on Monday,
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