Sunday, 26 July 2015

Diving Into Week Three

Hi everyone.

Apologies for my absence last week - I am back from tomorrow and firing on all cylinders just in time for swimming!

The timetable has changed for this week and next - we will be having music and art tomorrow, library and PE on Wednesday (in different time slots), and Indonesian, level sport and senior lab on Friday.

Homework is still due tomorrow!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday or Thursday for their three-way conference! I know many of you will be sitting more than one interview that night so we will do everything we can on our end to keep things running to time. Please understand that fifteen minutes is sometimes not long enough to share everything we'd like to about what we've been doing in the classroom but we will do our best to get through as much as possible.

Booking in for interview times will close off on Monday evening, so please make sure you've booked your time slot before then.

Second notices for camp will have gone home late last week I think (if they didn't, they'll be going home Monday afternoon!). Please return all necessary forms as soon as possible as it will assist us in planning in advance.

It's a busy few weeks coming up, once again - but very exciting ones, too!

From 3/4H and myself, thanks for your support so far this term and this year - let's make it a great second semester.


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