Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Weebly Space Stuff (and a few other bits and pieces)

Hi everyone,

If you are interested in having a play with the application we looked at today in Science, you can find it linked to this page, along with a bunch of other awesome space-themed interactive explorations and games. See if you can find information to answer the question that you recorded during the session today.

A fun video we watched earlier in the week for people looking for some extension work about rotational symmetry is below:

Completing work related to these resources (such as a report or presentation or making something from the Vi Hart videos and bringing it in to share either with me or the class and me can count towards the homework total for the week!

Homework has been sent home; the only change this term is that students are asked to choose most of their tasks from the white section of grid, and just one from the bottom pale grey section of the grid. Please check your child's book and sign the recording sheet for the appropriate day before they are due to hand in their book on Monday morning. Students who have not brought their book in with homework completed, recorded, and signed by Wednesday morning will be asked to stay in to complete some of the unfinished work during the first half of lunch (unless their is a note from someone at home explaining the homework's absence).

Very quick reminder that final payment for swimming is due on Wednesday, July 22nd, and if you have found that you are available to help on any of the days (and have done Parent Helper training), please let Miss Ellis know.

It's great to be back! Term Three is shaping up to be a really good one.

Bye for now,

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