Sunday, 21 June 2015

Last Week Of Term!

Hello, everyone! Sorry for having dropped off the internet radar for the last few weeks.

It's Week 11, the last week of a busy term, and the last stretch before a well-deserved break over the holidays.

Not many reminders - most notes were due back last week, so camp and swimming costs should be finalised either this week or early next term. Reports are due to go home on Wednesday. We will, as always, be dismissing students at 2:30pm on Friday as it is the last day of term, so please make arrangements accordingly. Final assembly usually commences at 2pm.

I have asked the class whether they would like homework set for the holidays, and a handful have asked for some extra work from subjects we have covered during the term to take home. This is not compulsory, nor do they have to complete everything that is sent home. If they would like to keep some of it to do for homework next term, they are more than welcome to do so. If they have questions about what to do during the holidays, they can leave me a message here, or send me a message on Eduplex.

Speaking of Eduplex, we had a discussion in class last week about what is appropriate to post on student Eduplex walls, with the general rule of thumb being 'If you wouldn't want Ang, or Mr. Sloane, or your parents, to see it over your shoulder, or if you don't understand it, don't post it!' Students may like to take some time at home over the holidays to re-organise their Eduplex account and clear out any old files no longer needed as a result of this discussion.

We have a very exciting week ahead to finish the term. For those leaving early, or who have already left - travel safely, enjoy your break and we will see you next term!


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