Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Two RoboClock Games

Today, we explored two of the games on the Primary Games website to practice different aspects of time-telling. We played them in focus groups, then introduced them to the rest of the class, so hopefully you will remember how to play! They work on my laptop and my ancient iPad so hopefully everyone will be able to load them.

To practice converting from analogue to digital (the timed memory game FG1 played), click here.
To practice elapsed time (calculating how much time has passed/will pass then jump! as played by FG2), click here.

Playing these counts as a quick maths activity for homework. Aim high! It may take some practice to get quick at them, so don't give up. You might like to take a snip of your score as your evidence, and post it to your Eduplex portfolio on your 2015 Maths page.

Have fun!

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