Thursday, 7 May 2015

Friday Fun!

We've made it to the end of a busy week!

Some Year 3 children today said they would like some reading comprehension practice questions for the weekend when we were talking about NAPLAN today. I have sent a past paper home with some students as a result of the requests; it is not compulsory, nor do parents need to mark it if they do not have time, but it does count towards their homework if students do complete it. If you notice your child struggling with a particular aspect of the paper, please feel free to send me a quick note in the diary.

FG3 were using the touch screen today to play Stop the Clock. I was asked to put the address up on the blog so students could access the game at home - if they beat our best time from today (18 seconds!) or achieve a personal best, they could take a snip and put it on their 2015 Maths page in their EduPlex portfolio.

Stay warm!

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