Thursday, 2 April 2015


Hello everyone!

Sorry to have left the blog hanging. I know lots of you took the address home with you for the holidays, so I'll make sure I update over the next week or so. How are your holidays going? You might like to leave a comment below about what you've been up to. I've been spending lots of time with Dalek, and catching up with friends and family. I'm sure you feel like the time is slipping away very quickly - we will be back at school for Term Two before you know it!

If you are looking for something to do over the holidays, you might like to jump on EduPlex and have a look at your Cookii Mookii, Partii Mookii, or Persuavii Mookii. If you finish any of your tasks, send me a message so I can have a look at the finished product - but make sure you've looked over the checklist for each of them BEFORE you submit, to save us time going back and forth! Do you have all the text you need? Have you included all the pictures/graphics/word art you've been asked to use? Do you need to include a snip of your result on the quiz? Make sure you've looked at every detail to ensure nothing is missing!

I promised to put up the YouTube video that we watched about the Fibonacci sequence - voila! Hope you enjoy it again. If you find something different which has the Fibonacci sequence in its construction (other than a pinecone, banksia seed pod, or acorn shell!) bring it in or take a picture for us to have a look at when we come back.

Just a few reminders - as we go into colder weather, if you'd like to bring slippers into the classroom to wear during class time, please feel free (for safety reasons, nothing too big or bulky, and for practical reasons, nothing you feel will be a distraction or you will be devastated if they get damaged). Also, check to make sure they and your jumper are clearly named so if they go a-wandering they will come back to you! These are things you might like to consider before Term 2 starts.

I will update again next week - in the meantime, enjoy the long weekend!
-Ang :)

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