Saturday, 7 February 2015

Week 3 Already!

Welcome to Week 3!

The term is certainly flying by! Students have put together some great collaborative work and some individual tasks for our Learning To Learn unit, which you can have a look at on the classroom bulletin boards.

The memory boxes people brought in have been enjoyed very much, with lots of questions and comments at the end of each presentation. We have completed quite a bit of our start-of-year assessment, too, and begun our specialist classes for the year, so we can definitely see where the time has gone!

Speaking of specialists, our specialist timetable this term will be as follows:
Monday - 11:15am P.E. (remember to bring shoes to change into), 12:15pm Art
Tuesday - 9:45am Indonesian (Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8).
Wednesday - 8:45am Library, 9:45am Senior Computer Lab
Thursday - 11:15am George, 12:15pm Music
Friday - 9:45am 3/4 Sport (remember to bring shoes to change into), 11:15am Indonesian (Weeks 3, 5, 7, and 9)

A few reminders for this week - we have the Parent Information Evening on Wednesday. This is an opportunity for you to hear about what the school has going on this year, as well as what is happening in our level. In addition, we have a performance group coming to the school on Friday to present 'The Little Bad Wolf' for the children, which has been organised by Mrs. Wickham. The notes for these were sent out about this with the youngest child at the school in each family last week. If you need a replacement, the office has spare copies and are happy to provide one.

Our Term One newsletter should also be going live this week - I will update this post with a link to it on the school's website when it has been uploaded. I will also put up a copy of the homework contract for this term and their reading record sheet in case your child's copies go missing - just to make sure they have every opportunity to complete them!

Stay tuned next week for some photos of our amazing work - and see you on Wednesday evening!

Ang H.

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