Welcome to Week Two, Term Two - it's a busy one, with the Kym Lardner author visit, a special ANZAC Day commemorative assembly on Thursday, and our Murrundindi visit on Friday. If you have not yet returned your note for the author or Murrundindi visits, could you please return them as quickly as possible?
Homework is due tomorrow! I will endeavour to get the books back out on the same day; if not then, then definitely by the Wednesday. There will be some work set as part of our Science unit later this term which will need to be completed at home, as well as some speaking and listening homework. More information will be sent home about this in the fortnight leading up to the due date.
For those wondering about the 'quidditch practice' we had last week, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development mandates that children undertake 180 minutes of sport at school each week. PE and Level Sport, in which the children develop their gross motor skills and learn to play the games at which they will represent the school at in Year 5 and 6, make up 120 minutes of this - and now we have settled into our classroom routine, we have begun our class sport as well. I promised we would play something they hadn't done before, so after consultation with Laura Ellis, we have embarked on a non-contact, school-and-OHS-friendly version of 'muggle quidditch' (video for how the full contact, adult version is played can be found here, and a full game demonstrating a closer version of what we are learning to play can be found here, and information about the adult recreational league in Melbourne can be found here). Students have shown they are picking up the rules quickly, and during our drills demonstrated fairness towards their classmates and careful consideration of new skills. I'm so glad they are willing to give this new sport a red-hot shot! Hopefully the weather will clear up before Wednesday for our practice.
Enjoy the last of your weekend - see you tomorrow morning!
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